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The Riot began on May, 31,1921 because of an incident the day before. A black man named Dick Rowland, stepped into an elevator in the Drexel Building operated by a woman named Sarah Page. Suddenly, a scream was heard and Rowland got nervous and ran out. Rowland was accused of a sexual attack against Page. One version of the incident holds that Rowland stepped on Page's foot, throwing her off balance. When Rowland reached out to keep her from falling, she screamed. The next day, Rowland was arrested and held in the courthouse lockup. Headlines in the local newspapers inflamed public opinion and there was talk in the white community of lynch justice. The black community, equally incensed, prepared to defend him. Outside the courthouse, 75 armed black men mustered, offering their services to protect Rowland The Sheriff refused the offer. A white man then tried to disarm one of the black men. While they were Wrestling over the gun, it discharged. That was the spark the turned the incident into a massive racial conflict. Fighting broke out and continued through the night. Homes were looted and burned.

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Q: What happened during the Tulsa race riot?
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The Greenwood or Tulsa Riot was on 31 May to 1 June 1921.

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More African Americans were killed than in any other riot.

What caused the Tulsa race riot?

Dick Rowland, accused of raping a white woman, Sara Page.

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The Tulsa Race Riots in the 1920's were terrible. The authorities? They helped. There are pictures of sheriffs standing over dead bodies. Tulsa was also the first city to be bombed by its own authorities when they dropped molotov cocktails from low flying planes.

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The Chicago Race Riot was in 1919

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In 1965 there was a Race Riot in Watts, is that what you meant to ask?