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Q: What happened during 1582 and 1592?
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What were 3 things that a civilian would do in 1582 and 1592?

Eat, sleep, breathe

What happened in 1592?

William Shakespeare died in England in 1592. He was one of the most influential story tellers of all time.

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Siege of Dongnae happened in 1592.

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Battle of Jeonju happened in 1592.

What happened the day after October 4 1582?

For the Catholic countries in Europe October 5th, 1582 didn't exist on their calendar. During October 1582, people in some parts of Europe changed their calendars from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This was done under the recommendations made by Christopher Clavius, and ordered by Pope Gregory XIII. To stay consistent with the vernal equinox, the days between October 5th, 1582 and October 14th, 1582 were dropped.

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Siege of Takamatsu happened in 1582.

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Battle of Uchidehama happened in 1582.

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Siege of Uozu happened in 1582-05.

Whay happened to shakespeare in 1582?

He got married to Anne Hathaway

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Battle of Happo happened on 1592-06-16.

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Battle of Dangpo happened on 1592-06-02.