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The Battle of Cowpens took place on January 17, 1781 in South Carolina on the border of North Carolina, in the United States. The war in the southern colonies wasn't making very much progress because both sides didn't have enough strength to make full offensive attacks. The British and the Colonists fought this war ferociously with tactics such as guerrilla warfare.

The area used for the Battle of Cowpens was covered with trees (red oak, hickory, and pine). This area was being used for the grazing of cattle, and was very little underbrush. 2 small hills were chosen their for the American lines of deployment.

Tarleton thought that the Americans had put themselves in a vulnerable spot, especially considering his superiority in cavalry. Tarleton thought this would be an easy win with very little causalities and death for his troops. His thoughts were completely wrong and changed after the end of the Battle of Cowpens.

On January 16, 1781 General Morgan set up his camp near Mill Gap Road, running northeast into North Carolina, and crossed the Broad River at Island Ford.

Colonel Daniel Morgan decided to make his stand against Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton at the Broad River. Morgan set up a simple position near woodland on two low hills. Morgan placed the Georgia riflemen in the very front, followed by the North Carolina militia, then Morgan's line behind them, and in the very far back was Washington's dragoons. Morgan's line was on the first and highest hill and then Washington's men were behind the hill. At 4 o'clock AM Tarleton's troops broke camp, at 8 o'clock am Morgan was notified that Tarleton's troops broke camp. Tarleton attacked immediately, he sent his 17th Light Dragoons to disperse the Georgia riflemen. Tarleton's dragoons were forced back because of heavy gunfire. Tarleton then formed his infantry line, so that he could begin his advance. Morgan ordered and the riflemen fired into the British line, and they tried to shoot down the officers. Then they went back behind the main American line.

The Light Dragoons kept pursuing the rifle men and were attacked by Washington's troops and driven back. The British army was overwhelmed when the Americans went onto offensive. The British would yell at them and advance, and Morgan would tell his men to give the British an Indian Hallo back. Tarleton's 71st army fought until they were forced to surrender to the Americans. The Royal Artillery gunners fought until every one of them was killed or wounded. Tarleton fled with what was left of his troops.

39 British officers, and 60 British soldiers were killed during the Battle of Cowpens, and 829 soldiers were captured by the Americans. Only 12 American soldiers were killed, but there was 60 wounded. The Americans captured British baggage and colours of the 7th foot of the British army. The Americans won this battle, and although this was not a huge battle to win it still gave the Americans hope and encouragement for all the battles to come.

Tarleton's reputation was lost, and Morgan's was put higher than before. The Battle of Cowpens ended Tarleton's victories of the British Legion. Out of all of Cornwallis' unit of 936 men only 176 men of the entire unit came back alive with Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton. Some of Tarleton's men obeyed him, but some also fled the field and disobeyed his orders.

Tarleton ordered his defeat to: "the bravery or good conduct of the Americans; to the loose manner of forming which had always been practiced by the King's troops in America; or to some unforeseen event, which may throw terror into the most disciplined soldiers or counteract the best-concerted designs."

The Battle of Cowpens had a pretty big impact on the American Revolution, it gave the Americans spirit and hope for this war, Americans were ready to fight some more battles, and the British were lacking in hope and were demoralized. The American's destroyed an important part of the British army in the south was hard to know how helpful it really was to the Americans towards the end of the American Revolution. If the battle of cowpens had a different result and the British would have won the Battle of Cowpens Cornwallis probably wouldn't have begun the campaign for Yorktown and the war could have very likely ended up differently. The end of the war would not have been so agile or conclusive without the Battle of Cowpens.

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the american revolution gave americans spirits and hope for this war

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the Americans won it

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NEW ANSWER:The Battle of Cowpens was important for it encouraged Southern militiamen to come out and fight.

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The Battle of Cowpens was significant because it was a turning point in the retaking of South Carolina by the United States. The battle occurred on January 17, 1781.

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• Battle Of cowpens fought during Revolutionary war. • The Continental Army suffered crushing

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The Battle of Cowpens was a battle in the American Revolutionary War. The reason for it happening was that the American forces wanted to separate from Britain.

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