If you mean the western part of the Roman Empire, western civilization came to a standstill. Much of the progress and advancements in arts, science, technology, was halted or lost completely, having to be rediscovered.
The notion that civilisation came to a standstill has now been challenged. There were two periods of cultural revival which has been called the Carolingian Renaissance and the Renaissance of the 12th Century.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire (the city of Rome was never conquered by anyone), several kingdoms were created in the territories occupied by the Germanic invaders. After a while most of continental Europe came under the Carolingian empire, which was created by Charlemagne. Charlemagne promoted a period of cultural revival through the scholars of his court and the church. Among other things, he commissioned monks and abbots to transcribe Roman texts. These were kept in the libraries of monasteries and abbeys around Europe for centuries. These manuscripts were 'rediscovered' by scholars during the Italian Renaissance, a period of revival in the interest in the Romans. Without the Carolingian Renaissance, we would have lost most of what the Romans wrote and we would have known little about them.
it happened to allow the castle ages
It may have or not.It always depend on your faith in God.
The observation many historians make is that most people didn't notice any difference. But that assumes we consider the fall of Rome to have happened on a date or in some particular year. The fall of Rome was a long, drawn out process, in which things happened over periods of time, with certain events that gave dates to history. There is a link below to an article describing this, but really, it is a subject on which many books have been written. According to the article, there are hundreds of reasons for the fall of Rome given by scholars, and there are many dates for the fall given by those who choose to give a date.
ur gay gett of this website ur wierd and shut your mouth kid
The fall of Rome. Rome had provided all the protection and services a society needed and when it was gone there was chaos.
It was when the fall of Rome happened :)
They both collapsed.
the young boy Augustulus
The fall of Rome (Roman Empire) to the Huns.
it happened to allow the castle ages
Rome's centralized government was replaced by the rule of many local kings and nobles.
You need to be more specific. Rome fought at least hundreds of wars in her 1,200 years of history.
Rome's centralized government was replaced by the rule of many local kings and nobles.
Rome's centralized government was replaced by the rule of many local kings and nobles.
There are adherents to single factors, but more people think Rome fell because of a combination of such factors as Christianity, decadence, and military problems. Even the rise of Islam is proposed as the reason for Rome's fall, by some who think the Fall of Rome happened at Constantinople in the 15th Century. Here I am writing about a roughly fifth century fall of Rome (or the western division of the Roman Empire).
There was no solution, which is why Rome did in fact fall.
"In a fall from his bicycle last week, he broke his arm."