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textiles became more plentiful and less expensive

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Q: What happen when the cotton industry was replaced by mills?
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The cottage industry was replaced by mills?

The cottage industry that was replaced by mills was the production of yarn and cotton thread. The production of flour was also a cottage industry that was replaced by huge mills.

What happen when the cottage industry replaced by mills?

Textiles became more plentiful and less expensive. This first happened in England.

What cottage industry was replaced by mills?

Many people moved to the country, away from the mills.

What replaced spinning jenny?

The spinning jenny was used to hand spun cotton in mills. It was replaced by the rotary steam engine.

What replaced the spinning jenny?

The spinning jenny was used to hand spun cotton in mills. It was replaced by the rotary steam engine.

Which parts of great Britain are the centres of the woolen and cotton industry?

Both of these industries no longer exist in the UK. When they were active, Lancashire was well known for its cotton mills and Yorkshire for its woollen mills.

How did the cotton gin in increase the production of cotton?

The cotton gin helped improve the cotton industry.

Which is most associated with the New South?

Cotton and Steel mills

How May cotton textile industry in Karachi be affected by July floods in Punjab?

During July floods the supply of cotton becomes relativly low thus cotton being the raw material for textile mills causes a shortage of production for mills.

The city of Minneapolis began as a what kind community?

It originally was built to support the lumber industry with sawmills. Businesses included saw mills, flower mills, woolen mills, iron works, paper mills, cotton mills, and a railroad machine shop.

What did the growth of the steel industry and cotton mills in the south in the late 1800's sugguest?

dependence of the south on the North

The growth of the steel industry and cotton mills in the South was an indication of what change?

It suggested that a new approach to the economy was developing in the South