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If you mean 'where are they now" as opposed to what did they experience;

Although many people indigenous to the 'Americas' died of disease, wars, and resource deprivation instigated by European settlers, a considerable population survived to both genetically persist in the isolation of either 'reservations' or geographically protected enclaves such as mountainous regions of Central and South America or escarpment of Canada/Alaska where primarily Native communities still exist in many cases with booming populations. Some of these communities have struggled and succeeded in preserving much of their cultural heritage including languages, foodways, and spirituality of their ancestors. However there is also the enormous genetic diaspora of intermingled Native and European explorers/settlers, African abducted laborers, and Asian forced laborers/refugees that began probably as early as the 1300's. Within the descendants of these people rests the DNA legacy of the New World's resourceful, enduring, resilient Natives! Perhaps that barely noticed template is what makes Americans different from other cultures.

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Q: What happen to native American people once America was discovered?
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