{| |- | Some very poor planning on the part of the British. They mistakenly assumed that they would have full control of the sea. When the French Navy showed up off the coast rather then their own, they found themselves trapped by the Colonial Army. There was little choice but to surrender. |}
British surrender at Yorktown Virginia was the last major event,
At the Battle of Yorktown.
Yorktown was the final battle between the colonists and the British. The British lost at Yorktown and were forced to flee the land giving the colonists their independence
American Revolution
At Yorktown in 1783.
Yorktown campaign happened in 1781.
The battle yorktown happen because Genril George Wastion ordered them to atack
Yorktown, it was the last battle of the Revolutionary war.
Siege of Yorktown happened on 1781-10-19.
No. The Battle of Yorktown was the defining battle of the American war for independence from Britain. The Yorktown Battle was part of the American Revolutionary War in 1781 and it was also a battle in the Civil war in 1862.
Yorktown, Virginia
From the Battle of Yorktown. It was the battle that ended the Revolutionary War. Yorktown is the south eastern tip of Virginia.
At Yorktown.
British surrender at Yorktown Virginia was the last major event,
they dont have any good questions for the battel of yorktown!!
it was the last major battle in American revolution..Yorktown ended the war.!