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Q: What happen By 1854 most gold mining had been taken over by?
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By 1854 most gold mining had been taken over by .?


Most gold mining had been taken over by?


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It means to plant trees in a place where they had previously been taken away. such as on farmland or around mining operations.

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When in the world did this happen? China hasn't been taken over.

What does RCI on gold indicate?

RCI on gold stands for Responsible Gold Mining Principles, a set of standards developed to promote more sustainable and ethical practices in gold mining. When gold is certified with RCI, it means that it has been produced in accordance with these principles, ensuring that environmental, social, and governance considerations have been taken into account during the mining process.

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the cost and difficulty of such mining.

Who started mining?

Mining has been going on for 8,000-5,000 years.

Have a Oscar ever been awarded and then taken back?

Nope, not once, and most likely will not happen, as it is based on judges, not on audience reviews

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Strip mining has long been associated with coal mines, has sometimes been used for copper and gold mines, and is currently in use for mining the Athabasca Tar Sands.

Was coal mining around in the 1890's?

yes there was you idiot there has been coal mining since 1700s you dick

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It is absolutely certain that an accident will happen sometime, somewhere. The likelihood of an accident happening at a particular place depends on what is being done there and what precautions have been taken to prevent accidents.

How long have people been mining for diamonds?

Diamond mining has been documented since at least the 4th century BC in India. Modern diamond mining began in the late 19th century with the discovery of diamonds in South Africa, sparking the diamond rush.