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Q: What groups lived on the great plains?
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What the great plains where lived in?

the great plains lived in teppes and loges

What tribes lived in the Great plains?

The Sioux Indians lived in the Great Plains.

Are the Cheyenne Indians in the great plains?

Yes the Cheyenne`s lived in the Great Plains but some tribes lived in the desert. But yeah they lived in the Great plains!

Who lived in the great plains in the 1400s?

The Native Americans lived in the great plains in the 1400s.

What plains did the Sioux live in?

They lived in the Great Plains

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What did the great plains live?

The Great Plains Indians lived in Pen Island

Why is the name Great Plains a good name for the Great Plains tribe?

Because the Indians lived in the great, big plains.

Did the plains Indians live on the plains?

Yes they did and they lived in a tepees. They lived in the great plains. See to learn more about them!

Where did the Kiowa live?

they lived in the great plains along the Missouri river

Where plain Indians lived?

The plains Indians live on the Great Plains.

What Indians lived on the plains?

The Siox lived on the plain broken into three groups: the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota.