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Q: What groups goals is most similar to the goals of social reform movements during the industrial revolution?
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Which of these situations is most similar to the kinds of situations social reform movements hoped to prevent during the Industrial Revolution?

A factory dumps its industrial waste into a river that serves as a source of drinking water for a nearby town.

Which of the following groups' goals is most similar to the goals of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution?

A community with a leaking sewage system pressures its state government to fund repairs.

What describes an important role women played in European societies during the industrial revolution?

Participating in charities and social reform movements

Did Thomas Edison live during the Industrial Revolution?

Yes, he lived during the industrial revolution!

What revolution took place during the Victorian era?

The Industrial Revolution and the Agricultural Revolution.

Who invented the airplane during the Industrial Revolution?

The Wright brothers invented the airplane during the Industrial Revolution.

What was the main source of energy during the Industrial Revolution?

Steam was the main source of energy during the industrial revolution.

What area did a majority of the population move to during the industrial revolution?

The industrial revolution was a large change to peoples lives. The majority of the population moved to the city during the industrial revolution.

What situations is most similar to the actions taken by supporters of social reform movements during the Industrial Revolution?

A labor group pressures the U.S. government to pass laws requiring all factories to install advanced sprinkler systems to put out fires.

What sources are found during the industrial revolution?

Iron was one the sources in the industrial revolution.

Which key inventions were created during the time of the Industrial Revolution?

The most important invention during the Industrial Revolution is the steam engine. Also the telegraph was a really important tool which was invented during the Industrial Revolution.

How did women fight for the change during the industrial revolution?

Women fought to enter the work force in the Industrial Revolution