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Q: What groups became a threat to byzantine empire after the death of Justinian?
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Who created Empire?

The Byzantine Empire was the original East half of the Roman Empire. After Rome's collapse, the Byzantine Empire lived through. The most famous of its rulers were Emperor Justinian and his Empress Theodora. With most of Europe under siege of barbaric groups such as the Franks, who settled in France, Justinian and Theodora had their sights set on regaining Rome's past territories along the Mediterranean Sea, wanting to regain it and call it once again 'A Roman Lake'

How might the European history have been different if the Byzantine empire had fallen after the death of Justinian?

suck my donk and read your textbook

What does Justinian's Code reveal about how different groups were treated in the Byzantine empire?

The main - and almost only - distinction that was made was between Christians and pagans. Justinian was anxious to establish Christianity as the official and exclusive faith in his Empire. So anyone adhering to the Christian faith was declared a citizen of the Byzantine empire, anyone adhering to a pagan belief was declared a non-citizen.

What best explains why barbarian groups were able to weaken the Byzantine Empire?

Barbarians did not weaken the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern half of the Roman Empire that continued to thrive while its western counterpart ceased to exist due to Barbarian conquests. The Byzantine Empire was weakened and conquered by the Turks.

Did the Byzantine Empire have interactions with other groups that were largely the result of trade?


In the Byzantine Empire made up the largest group of peoples?

There were many sorts of groups. You had Italians,Greeks,Muslims,Chinese,Middle Eastern,Turkish,Indian, to name a few. Since the Byzantine Empire was so vast, this is the reason for so many different ethnic and religion groups.

Who is credited with establishing the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire when it split into two parts in the 5th Century CE. As such, there is no true founder of the Byzantine Empire. The last truly Roman emperor, Theodosius I bequeathed the throne of Rome to both of his sons, Arcadius (east) and Honorius (west).

When did the Byzantines become Turks?

The Byzantine Empire was conquered by various Turkic groups, with the Ottomans dealing the death blow to the empire. However, the citizens of the Byzantine Empire, especially the Hellenized Anatolians, became Turks through their conversion to Islam (and speaking Turkish) under Ottoman rule. This process began as early as the 1300s and continued well into the 19th century. By the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was roughly three-quarters Muslim and Anatolia would be purged of its Christian minorities as a result of the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocides during World War I.

What things did the leader of groups that became part of the Inca empire have to do?

They had to build a Sun Temple

What was the social structure of the byzantine empire in 395?

The Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire. Its citizens even called themselves Romans. Two dates-A.D. 330 and A.D. 476-are given for the formation of the Byzantine Empire, which often had shifting boundaries and was centered in Asia Minor (a peninsula in the western part of Asia) and the Balkan Peninsula (in southeast Europe). The 476 date is calculated according to the death of the last Roman emperor Theodosius the Great (347-395) in 395. At that time the Roman Empire was divided into two parts, East and West. Rome, the former capital of the Roman Empire, was located in the West Roman Empire, which came under repeated attacks from nomadic barbarian groups (wandering tribes noted for their brutality). Rome finally fell in 476, and the East Roman Empire survived as the Byzantine Empire. Much of the West Roman Empire was then absorbed into the Byzantine Empire.

When Arab forces took control of Egypt in 638 what then followed?

Egypt became part of the Rashidun Caliphate and the jizya tax was imposed on those who would not convert to Islam took hold. However, even with this form of discrimination many Christian groups other than Orthodox Byzantines (like the Copts and Nestorians) and Non-Christian groups like the Jews preferred the tax to the outright violence under the Byzantine Empire. Many of the elites in Egypt did convert and the Byzantine Egyptian Navy became the primary naval force of the Rashidun and, later, Umayyad Caliphates.

What happen to the papacy in the year AD 538?

Basically, what happened, was the following. Justinian I wanted to place the Papcy in charge of Rome. He wanted to move from the Byzantine empire over to Rome. He led his forces in battle against the Ostrogoths and the Vandals. These were Barbarian groups that had adopted the Aryan syle of Christianity. He thought he was protecting Catholics when he was driving the Ostrogoths out of Rome. The Battle of Rome was fought in 537AD. The Papacy finally became the law of Rome so to speak when the Ostrogoths were driven out in 538AD. The Papacy at this point had taken power.