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Q: What group tried to talk the natives into becoming christans?
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Which group tried talk the natives into becoming Christians?


Which group tried to talk to natives into becoming Christians?


Which group tried talk to the natives into becoming Christians?

The group of people that tried to talk the natives into converting to Christianity were known as the Missionaries.

What was john Cabot's relationship with the native Americans?

he didn't get along with the Natives very well but he tried. Later on he couldn't be with the Natives anymore so he left. After he left some of his men that he left with the Natives got killed because they tried taking over the Natives land.

How were the natives lead to killing James cook?

The Australian Aborigines never tried to kill James Cook. Cook was killed by the Hawaiian natives.

When indicted with a group of other people a you tried alone or as a group?

Maybe the whole group is tried.

How did the natives respond to euopeans at this time and were they expected to assimilate?

Natives did not except the Europeans being on their territory. The Europeans tried to take control and make natives convert their religion to Christianity or make them their slaves. They usually did take control because they had superior weapons compared to the natives.

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Not really, no. Cartier never tried to get along with or understand the natives, and completely took over their land without even trying to explain what was going on.

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he tried to trade with them, but they forced him to leave. he came back a few years later with thirty armed ships and annhilated the natives. hope this helps.

How did the conquistadors plan to serve god and king?

The conquistadors could serve both God and king by stealing gold and silver from the natives, subjugating them, taking their land, destroying their temples, converting the natives to Christianity, the religion of peace and goodwill, and slaughtering those who tried to stop them.

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im guessing because the spanish tried to trick the Aztecs

Did European nations feel that they needed to ask permission from the Indians to new world?

Europeans did not ask permission from the natives to settle and claim land in the New World. However, this doesn't mean all Europeans had nasty relations with the natives. The Spanish were relatively harsh towards the natives, the French were relatively friendly towards the natives, and the British tried to keep their distance.