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Q: What group started the change of government in Poland?
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What is the labor group in Poland called?

Solidarity, a Polish labor group formed in 1980 that struggled peacefully for democratic change.

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What form of government did Poland have in 1980?

Communistic, with frontage, powerless government and PM, but with strong PZPR (polish communistic party) organizations and with leading role of the 1st secretary of the party (he together with the committee central of PZPR had an absolute power in Poland). The head-of-state was collective (group of very notable persons in Poland) but also showy.

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The Revolving Door

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one ethnic group was almost eliminated

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Radical Republicans wanted the Federal Governenment To force change in the South

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NovaNet: "A group of senators revolted and developed a system in which the people elected their representatives"

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Where is the labor group Solidarity from?

Solidarity is a labor group from Poland. It was a key player in the country's transition to democracy in the 1980s and a strong advocate for workers' rights.

Characteristics of pressure group?

leadership , a group that is against a certain thing & they want to change that LEGALLY they might make a website or display posters or even have a protest march if they feel strongly about that one change or multiple change(s) that the government has made

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Latin Americans started LULAC, which represents their political needs.