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Q: What group of people migrated to the us because of widespread famine?
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What is the time when people starve because so little food called?

It's called a famine, that is, a widespread scarcity of food.

Why did Jacob and all of Israel migrate to Egypt?

Jacob and the other 68 people who migrated to Egypt with him did so because of the severe famine in Canaan.

What is the history place of the irish potato famine about?

The Great Potato Famine lasted 7 years (1845 to 1852). 1 million people died. The population dropped by 20 - 25%! People migrated because of difficult living conditions or lack of food. The consequences included permanent chang in political, demographic, and cultural landscape.

Cause of famine in India?

Too many people , too little food , widespread poverty , and some difficult weather patterns.

Most people migrated into the Americans because they?

Most people migrated to America because they wanted a better life with greater opportunities for themselves and their family.

Why do you believe early people migrated south?

they migrated south because that was the only way that they had to get their food.

How do you put famine into a sentence?

The country was struck by a terrible famine last year. Three thousand people died in our town because of famine. World famine and natural disasters are not the same because famine can be addressed by governments and individuals to save the lives of human beings.

Why did Irish immirgants come to America in the 1800s?

Nothing, they migrated to Canada because of the potato famine, and they had no belongings.

What migrated with the Jewish people?

people have never licked them because they r goods people

Why is famine occurring?

Because people don't have enough to eat.

Neolithic people of Sahara migrated to the south because?


Most people migrated into the Americas because they .?

To follow animals .