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Q: What greek citizens were land owners?
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What place was where the citizens of greek were usually land owners?


Why did the rich people farm at the rich land?

The rich land owners in Greek were the Aristocrats.

Who could be citizens of Greek cty-states?

free native-born men who owned land could be citizens.

Who was allowed to be ancient greek citizens?

Native, free born, land owning men, although later in Greek times, land owning was omitted.

A person opposed who works land to immigration because it is seen as a threat to citizens?

lan owners lol

What was the purpose of the land act of 1851?

It made it more difficult for californios to hold on to their land. - APEX

WHAT WERE THE responsibilities of the Greek citizens?

~ born in that polis ~ be free ~ had to be male

What were some social divisions in Greek?

Male and female. Masters and slaves. Property owners and serfs. Citizens and aliens. Propertied and non-propertied. Large property owners and small property owners. Armoured soldiers and light infantry/archers.

Who are the land owners of antarctica?

There are no land owners of Antarctica.

If you have Greek citizens children can you have Greek visa?


What is Greek citizenship?

Greek. Citizens of Greece are called Greeks.

The difference between todays citizen and greek citizen?

Today's citizens have access to more advanced technology, education, and rights compared to Greek citizens in ancient times. Modern citizens typically have more opportunities for participation in government, freedom of speech, and access to a wide range of goods and services. However, ancient Greek citizens had a direct role in decision-making through democracy and were active participants in their city-state's affairs.