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Q: What greatest fear of the Ming Dynasty?
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The Ming Dynasty

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Who established the Ming Dynasty?

The Ming family of Ancient China had established the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty is known for its?

The Ming dynasty was known for its Porcelain.

Who did the Qing dynasty take power from?

The Qing dynasty took power from the Ming dynasty.

Liu Bang was the founder of what dynasty?

Ming_Dynasty">Ming DynastyIt was not the MING Dynasty it was the Han dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty ended the what rule of china?

The Ming dynasty ended the Yuan (Mongolian) dynasty.

When was then Ming Dynasty in china?

Ming Dynasty lasted from AD 1368-1644.

Did the Ming Dynasty use coins?

Yes. The Ming Dynasty did use coins.

What palace did the Ming Dynasty?

The Ming dynasty lived in the forbidden city in china.