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Magistrates without imperium: Censor, quaestor, curule aedile, plebeian tribune, plebeian aedile, duumviri, decemviri + other minor ones

magistrates with imperium: dictator, master of the horse, consul and procunsul, military tribune with consular power, preator and propraetor,

Other magistrates who held imperium, but were not regular magistrates: law-making decemviri with consular power, the second triumvirate (triumviri for the constitution of the republic with consular power).

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In the Roman Republic, only certain elected officials known as magistrates had the right to exercise imperium. These officials included consuls, praetors, and dictators, who had the power to command and enforce laws. Other government officials, such as senators and tribunes, did not have the right to exercise imperium.

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Q: What government officials in the roman republic did not have the right to exercise imperuim?
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In Rome who were the top government leaders?

In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.

Who were the two officials who directed Roman government?

The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.

What was the government of rome that was ran by select officials?

I guess you mean elected officials. It was the government of the Roman Republic.

What is the difference between a ingdom and a republic?

A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.A kingdom or monarchy, is a rule by one person, either hereditary or by appointment. A republic is a form of government where the people elect the officials to rule them, usually for a fixed period of time.

How did the officials who ran the roman republic get their power?

The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.

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In Rome who were the top government leaders?

In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.In the republic the two top government officials were the consuls.

Who were the two officials who directed Roman government?

The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.

How is America Republic?

A republic is a system of government where elected officials represent the people of the country. America is a republic because it uses a government formed from elected officials.

What was the government of rome that was ran by select officials?

I guess you mean elected officials. It was the government of the Roman Republic.

What happen in a republic?

A republic is a type of government where the leaders/officials are elected by the citizens to represent them.

In what form of government do people chose some of the officials?

a republic

In a constitutional republic government officials derive their authority from?

In a Constitutional Republic, the government gets its power from the constitution or highest legal document.

Who were the top government officials in the republic?

You need to specify which republic you are referring to if you want to make it possible to answer you question.

Who had a role in the Roman government?

it was republic (indirect democracy), so there was representative government with elected officials.

What was the of the roman government?

The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.The ancient Romans had three forms of government, the monarchy, the republic and the principate. The monarchy was the absolute rule by a king, the republic was the electing of officials by the people and the principate was the incorporation of the powers of the republic into one person, the emperor.

What do the government use in which all the people elect all the important officials?

the republic

In what two ways did the Roman empire differ from the Roman Republic?

During the republic form of government, the selecting of officials was in the hands of the people. During the form of government called the empire, the officials were appointed by the emperor, or, if voting were allowed, the emperor's man always won.