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Drake Rodriguez

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Q: What government agency was formed to help African Americans adjust to freedom and protect their civil rights?
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What government agency was formed to help African Americans adjust to freedom and to protect their civil rights?

Freedman's Bureau

Presdident Grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

How did free african americans protect their freedom during this time in texas?

They made it look like they were free and didn't look like slaves.

What is the Act of 1866?

it gave full citizenship to african americans and gave the federal government the right to intervene in state affairs to protect them.

What is the civil act of 1866?

it gave full citizenship to african americans and gave the federal government the right to intervene in state affairs to protect them.

President grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

What are reasons for limiting a government?

to protect the freedom of the people

Why might some free African Americans own slaves?

Some free African Americans may have owned slaves in order to protect their families, gain social status or economic power, or to adhere to social norms of the time. In some cases, they may have used slave ownership as a way to secure their own freedom or the freedom of loved ones.

What is on reason for limiting government power?

to protect freedom of the people

Which patriotic holoday honours americans who died to protect our freedom?

memorial day.

The Equal Protection Clause was originally intended to protect?

African Americans

Who was the equal protection clause originally intended to protect?

African Americans