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To learn more about the lands and peoples east of the Mississippi River.

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Q: What goal of president Jefferson lead to the louisiana purchase?
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What goal of President Jefferson led to the Louisiana Purchase?

he wanted to get married

Which president arranged the Louisiana Purchase?

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, arranged for the U.S. to purchase the Louisiana Territories from Napoleon of France in 1803.The purchase doubled the size of the United States, giving it both sides of the Mississippi River and the entire Missouri River Valley. The acquisition of the Port of New Orleans was extremely strategic for the security and development of those western territories. In fact, Jefferson's main goal in the negotiations that lead up to the purchase had been to secure that port. Jefferson had doubts about the constitutionality of having the federal government buy new territory, but put them aside.

Why did Thomas Jefferson want the US to expand?

Even though the Louisiana Purchase which occurred under Jefferson causes a great expansion of the US, I do not think Jefferson particularly pushed for the expansion. His main goal was to secure the vital river route to the Gulf and the Atlantic via the Mississippi.

What land did napoleon sold in north America to the US?

Ever heard of The Louisiana Purchase? The land purchased contained all of present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, parts of Minnesota that were west of the Mississippi River, most of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. (The Oklahoma Panhandle, and southwestern portions of Kansas and Louisiana were still claimed by Spain at the time of the Purchase.) In addition, the Purchase contained small portions of land that would eventually become part of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The land included in the purchase comprises around 23% of the territory of the United States today.

What was Jefferson Davis dreams?

As president of the Confederate States, his goal was to end the Civil War and establish the Confederate States of American as successful independent country. His more immediate goal was to get Great Britain to recognize their independence and perhaps supply military and financial aid to help end the fighting.

Related questions

Was Thomas Jefferson president when he made the Louisiana Purchase?

yes one goal was to explore the Mississippi <^__^>...baka

What goal of President Jefferson led to the Louisiana Purchase?

he wanted to get married

Who bought the Louisiana territory for 15 million?

Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory.

Which president arranged the Louisiana Purchase?

Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, arranged for the U.S. to purchase the Louisiana Territories from Napoleon of France in 1803.The purchase doubled the size of the United States, giving it both sides of the Mississippi River and the entire Missouri River Valley. The acquisition of the Port of New Orleans was extremely strategic for the security and development of those western territories. In fact, Jefferson's main goal in the negotiations that lead up to the purchase had been to secure that port. Jefferson had doubts about the constitutionality of having the federal government buy new territory, but put them aside.

What was the goal of Jefferson's expedition?

The purpose was to see what laid beyond their settlements, farther into the Louisiana Purchase and what kinds of animals, plants, and geographical features laid beyond.

Why did Jefferson send Monroe and Livingston to France?

Livingston went to France in order to represent US interests. His specific goal was to negotiate over Louisiana and ended up performing the key negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase.

What was Jefferson's main goal of the expedition?

The purpose was to see what laid beyond their settlements, farther into the Louisiana Purchase and what kinds of animals, plants, and geographical features laid beyond.

What did the explorers from Louisiana do?

Lewis and Clark explored the area acquired by the Louisiana purchase. They did this under the request of Thomas Jefferson. The goal of the exploration was to explore the area that the US had purchased, looking for resources and other things of interest to the country.

Why did Thomas Jefferson want the US to expand?

Even though the Louisiana Purchase which occurred under Jefferson causes a great expansion of the US, I do not think Jefferson particularly pushed for the expansion. His main goal was to secure the vital river route to the Gulf and the Atlantic via the Mississippi.

What wa the goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

to find a water route to the Pacific

Selling Louisiana territory to the US goals?

Napoleon had a profit motive. Jefferson saw it as an invesment. Both got what they wanted. Napoleon in the short term and Jefferson's goal is still paying out huge dividends on a daily basis.

What was Lewis and Clark's travel goal?

Their job was to explore the Louisiana Territory and report back to Jefferson. He asked them to follow the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean. And they were the right men for the job.