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Q: What general helped to rebuild Japan?
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What did the us do to japan after its defeat?

helped them rebuild

How did the US treat Japan after the war?

the US helped rebuild its cities and economoy

Is the US in debt to Japan?

No we are not because after we won WW2 we went and helped them rebuild them selves

What happened to Japan after World War two?

After the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the United States helped rebuild their country and economy that had been ravaged by years of war. Japan was although, disarmed. During the American occupation of Japan, they helped the Japanese adopt democracy and labor reforms. There were rapes by American soldiers, and there are other controversies regarding the occupation, but America truly helped rebuild Japan.

How did general MacArthur attempt to rebuild japan after the war?

he bring pece and stope the war

How did the United States treat Japan after the war?

Helped them rebuild.

After the war how did they rebuild America?

The United States proper was not damaged or seriously affected by the First or Second World Wars. America helped to rebuild Europe, Japan & the Philippines after the Second World War.

How Japan was developed after hiroshima economicaly?

Japan did not have the means to rebuild the country. It took 15 years for the US to rebuild Japan.

What did Justin Bieber do to help Japan?

Justin helped Japan by donating like 3 million dollars to help rebuild buildings and buy food and provisions for people in need.

When did japan have to rebuild?

after ww2

What is the plan to rebuild japan?

The plan is to have everybody that is unemployed to help rebuild.

The 1948 Marshall Plan was important because it helped which geographic area recover and rebuild after World War 2?

The Marshall Plan was important because it helped with the recover and rebuild of Europe after World War 2. The plan allowed for the US to give $13 billion dollars to the support the European economies.