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the wheel

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Q: What fundemental tool of civilization did the classic era mesoamerican lack?
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The lack of rain caused this civilization to decline because people were starving from the lack of food

Which of the following is not a theory for the decline of the Mayan civilization?

A lack of invention and adaption.

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Why did mesopotamias lack of natural barriers impact the crossroads of civilization?

please help

What Civilization fell due to what many believe was a lack of goals?


Does war bring about civilization's growth or decline?

War's bring growth (stimulation); a lack of war brings decline (lack of stimulation).

What trait evident in European civilization did both the Mississippians and the Anasazi lack?

A writing system

Who conquered the Mayas?

The Mayan Civilization was not conquered by any individual. Scientist believe it was over-population or lack of food.

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Creating a civilization on Mercury would be extremely challenging due to its harsh conditions, such as extreme temperatures and lack of atmosphere. The lack of resources like water and breathable air would make it difficult for humans to establish a sustainable settlement on the planet. Overall, it is not currently feasible to create a civilization on Mercury with our current technology and understanding.

What happened to the Maya after 900 AD?

Lack of something essential to the civilization caused the peasants to revolt against their rulers.

Why isn't there a classic Disney channel?

The people currently responsible for the Disney Channel lack any imagination in that department, which is unfortunate.

Why some people think civilization is immaterial?

Because they have very limited experience and knowledge, and have never lived where it was not civilized. They fail to understand that the major reason they are alive IS civilization. That lack of understanding may kill them one day, when they wander away from the sidewalks.