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Grapes, apples, Oranges, melons and many others.

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13y ago

In ancient Greece the most common fruit would be a toss up between the olive and the grape.

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Q: What fruits did ancient greek grow?
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What fruit did the ancient greek eat?

Some of the fruits that the Ancient Greeks ate were grapes, figs and Dates.

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What fruits did they eat in ancient China?

they eat cucumbers, kiwi, mangos, etc. fresh fruit that they grow and sell

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All manner of fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Whatever could be found in the Fertile Crescent at that time. Ancient Israel was famously fecund.

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most fruits grow on a woody plant

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Ancient Greek

What is Ancient Greek?

An Ancient Greek is a native or inhabitant of Ancient Greece, the Greek-speaking world of ancient times.

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the fruits that grow in mud are strawberries and swiss chard.

What can you grow?

You can grow fruits and vegetables.

Where is ancient Greek from?

erm... Ancient Greek is from Ancient Greece :P

Does the rafflesia grow berries?

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