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Q: What founding fathers did not become president?
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When did the founding fathers become founding fathers?

I think on 1943

Who intended to limit the president's power?

The Founding Fathers intended to limit the President's power, but they never envisioned the gutless wonders the legislature has become.

How did founding fathers become founding fathers?

you would be better off looking on his bio that is where i found all my info from.

How did our founding fathers become founding fathers?

They were the original settlers and some were actually the ones who helped fund for the trip.

Is Ben Franklin one of the founding fathers?

yes he was but not a president

How did the US become a free country?

our founding fathers

What plan did the founding fathers of the constitution create because they feared that voters would not chose a president wisely?

The Founding Fathers had no plan in place other than who would succeed the President if something happened. For the fathers to undermine the voters choice for President would've been a direct violation of the laws they had written to protect voter rights.

Who made the government?

In the US, our founding fathers.

Did any of the founding fathers have pets?

no.none of the founding fathers have pets

Why is Washington honored in Washington DC?

Because he was the first president (as well as one of the founding fathers).

Who was the only president among your founding fathers to face gunfire while in office?

James Madison

Why were the founding fathers cautious about adding a vice president?

The purpose of the vice-president is have a seamless transition if something happens to the president. The alternative of having a special election would create a period in which nobody was running the government.