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Q: What form of writing provided the basis for recorded history?
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Why was the Phoenician alphabet a siginifcant development in world history?

It provided a simple means of writing and record-keeping then the pictograms and syllabic writing, and forms the basis of today's alphabets.

Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the development of?

Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for the development of written language and communication in ancient civilizations. They paved the way for the creation of more advanced writing systems and influenced the development of languages and scripts that followed. Their impact on the history of writing is significant, as they were among the earliest known forms of written communication.

Cuneiform writing provided the basis for the development of what?

Cuneiform writing provided the basis for the development of writing systems in the ancient Near East, including Akkadian, Sumerian, and Assyrian. It also influenced the development of other writing systems, such as the Phoenician alphabet and ultimately, modern writing systems.

What did hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provide the basis for?

Hieroglyphic and cuneiform systems provided the basis for early writing systems in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. They were used to record important information, events, and religious texts. These systems laid the foundation for future writing and communication systems.

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Thoreau's communion with nature was at the basis of both his life and his writing.

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The basis for assessments is provided through feedback.

What provide basis for assessments?

The basis for assessments is provided through feedback.

What is the Knowledge derived from recorded facts is?

Knowledge derived from recorded facts is called empirical knowledge. This type of knowledge is based on direct observations or experiences that have been recorded and documented. It forms the foundational basis for many fields of study such as science, history, and social sciences.

The is the basis for all writing?


The basis for all writing?

the alphabet

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What was the the importance of the Phoenician alphabet?

It provided an easier and more accurate form of writing than the pictograph and syllabic used to that time. It became the basis of Greek and Latin alphabets, and the ones we use today.