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Q: What form of government has total control and limits the people?
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How much control does Russia's government have over it's economy?

In brief, it has total control. All business is controlled by the government. The government decides what to make, when to make it, how much to make, who sells it, and how much it sells for. In addition, its the government that gives the people what it feels they need, rather than what the people actually want.

What is true of totalitarian government?

Leaders have total control.

What groups will support a totalitarian government?

It will likely be the groups that already rely heavily upon their government. People who are on welfare or other government assistance. While they may not support the potential control of their everyday lives, it may be easier for them to accept total government control of the economy. There are some groups who already wish for a totalitarian form of government, so they will be happy with it. Those who are disheartened and see no hope without government intervention will also likely by supportive of total government control.

Why does the IRS impose limits on the total premiums paid over the policy term?

The government still needs $$$.

What are the differences between constitutional and nonconstitutional governments?

A constitutional Government is obliged to work within the frame work of what it is authorised to do according to rules set out in the constitution. A non constitutional government can do whatever it wants.

What is the government that exerts total control over a nation?


What is government where one person has total control of everything?

A dictatorship

What are totalitarian regimes?

Totalitarian regime is a form of government in which the nation's government has total control over the people. The citizens have no rights to vote/elect for officials or new governmental laws.

In what type of government does a monarch have complete control over the people?

The form of government which means monarchs have total control over their subjects is known as absolute monarchy. This was first instituted by King Charles XI in Sweden.

Which type of government tries to take total control of its citizens lives?

Totalitarian Government

What is a government where one person has total control of everthing?

The answer is in the question: Totalitarianism

What does totalitarianism have to do with World War 2?

Totalitarianism is the belief that the government has complete and total control over everything. It limits freedoms. Totalitarianism was used in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It is also being debated whether or not Fascist Italy was a totalitarian regime.