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Q: What foreign issue helped Reagan defeat carter?
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How did the Iran hostage crisis affect the 1980 election It helped Jimmy Carter get reelected. It helped Ronald Reagan become president. It discouraged people from voting. It increased the number of p?

Carter lost the election to Reagan.

What did the Iran hostage crisis do to American opinions?

It eroded their trust in President Jimmy Carter and helped Ronald Reagan get elected.

Which foreign troops helped defeat Charles Cornwallis?


Liberal democratic senator whose opposition to carter helped divide the democrats in 1980?

ronald reagan

What foreign troops helped defeat British forces at Yorktown?


What foreign in troops helped defeat Charles Cornwallis?

General Wayne and Marquis de Lafayette

What helped Jimmy Carter defeat Gerald Ford in the elections of 1976?

Ford's pardon of Nixon is often cited as the deciding factor.

Which us president helped end communism?

Communism has not ended . However, Ronald Reagan's foreign policy, continued under George Bush , is often said to be a factor in the break-up of the communist dominated Soviet Union.

What foreign countries helped america?

Ally helped there foreign countries

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How did President Reagan rebuild the US Military?

Reagan strengthened the weak, ineffectual, and vulnerable military which Carter left behind. The Reagan administration funded research and development of weapons systems, including stealth technology and precision weaponry, later used in both Persian Gulf wars. Reagan's largest peacetime defense buildup in history, which included larger training ranges and military pay increases, helped invigorate the American military from its Vietnam War-era despondency.

How did Ronald Reagan helped the cold war?

hes stupid