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concentration camps, labor working, and killing of all jews

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10y ago

The Franks were forced into hiding because the Germans were taking over Amsterdam. They were rounding up Jews and sending them to camps.

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Who forces the Franks into hiding?


What forces the franks to go into hiding?

A letter of the calling for jews to put them in laborcamp

Where were the franks hiding?

In the Annex.

How long were the franks hiding for?


When did the Van Pels join the franks in hiding?

The Van Pels joined the Franks in hiding on July 13, 1942

Who went into hiding with the Franks?

aaron kacsor

What group are the Franks hiding from?

During World War II, the Franks were hiding from the Nazi regime in Amsterdam, Germany.

How long was Anne franks famile in hiding for?

They were in hiding for two years and one month.

Who else went into hiding with the Franks?

The Franks and the Van Daans hid in the annex for two years

How many years was the franks in hiding?

for 2 years

How long did the Franks live in hiding?

2 years.

What is going on in Europe while the Franks were hiding?

a war.