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Confederate artillery commanded by General P.G.T. Beauregard. The assault was ordered personally by the Confederate President, Jefferson Davis.

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Southern forces led by General P. G. T. Beauregard, commanded the artillery attack on Fort Sumter. The Union commander of the fort had no choice but to surrender.

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Q: What forces fired on Fort Sumter?
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Where was were first shots of the revolution fired?

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Where were the first shots of the war were fired?

the first shots of the war was fired at Fort Sumter

Who fired the first shots in the April 1861 Battle of Fort Sumter?

Fort Sumter in April of 1861, refused to surrender to Confederate forces. As a result of this, Rebel artillery fired the first shots at the fort on April 12, 1861. The Confederate General PT Beauregard was commanded to begin the bombardment of Fort Sumter by Confederate President Jefferson Davis.

The civil war began in 1861 when confederate forces fired on?

Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbour, South Carolina.

Where were the first shots fired of the Civil War?

The first shot's credited to the start of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina were the Confederate military attacked the fort.Fort sumpter

When was fort Sumter fired upon?

Ft. Sumter was fired upon on April 12, 1861, for 40 hours straight.

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Fort Sumter was a Federal establishment manned by men loyal to the North. The South laid seige to the fort and the Union forces surrendered. While hundreds of cannon rounds were fired in and out of the fort, there were few casualties.

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Why were the first shots fired at fort Sumter?


When did southern forces fired on fort Sumter?

In April of 1861, which was followed by other southern states seceding and brought about the start of the war.

What is the effect of shots being fired at Fort Sumter?

The shots at fort Sumter caused the feud that started the civil war

What was the fort where the US Civil War began?

The US Civil War began when Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter, which was located on an island in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina.