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The Pilgrim's first Thanksgiving meal was different from the one we enjoy today. Instead of roast domestic turkey with all the trimmings, the Pilgrim table likely contained an abundance of plums, melons, grapes, cranberries, leeks, wild onions, squash, beans, cabbage, turnips and spices. There would also have been native birds, game fish, shellfish and other game on the menu.

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There is an excellent answer right here on! Just click the 'First Thanksgiving food' link below listed under "Sources and related links:".

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Q: What food was contributed in the first Thanksgiving by the pilgrims?
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What type of food did the Pilgrims have on the first Thanksgiving?

corn, and turkey

What are the prices from the first Thanksgiving?

There were no prices at the first Thanksgiving. All the food was either grown or hunted by the pilgrims or Indians. The only food that may have cost was food that the Pilgrims brought over from England, but it is likely that it had been used by the time they got together to give thanks on the first Thanksgiving.

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Why did the first Thanksgiving come out?

The first Thanksgiving came out because the pilgrims wanted to give thanks for having food and shelter in the new world.

Why was the first thanksgiving so meaningful to the pilgrims?

The first Thanksgiving occurred in November 1620. The Pilgrims were so thankful for that feast because it meant that they had successfully survived the year and managed to grow their own food.

Who went to the first Thanksgiving Day?

The Pilgrims and the Indians were the creators of Thanksgiving Day.Some of the food items brought to the first Thanksgiving feast were: corn, venison, turkey, bread, potatoes, and milk.

What are a few facts about the Thanksgiving dinner the pilgrims?

During the first Thanksgiving, pilgrims ate Indian corn, wild turkey, and corn bread. Thanksgiving was held as a way of thanking the Native Americans that gave them food and help them live.

What is Thanksgiving about?

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is traditionally a holiday to give thanks for the food collected at the end of the harvest season.

Which food you never eat at thanksgiving that pilgrims enjoyed on the first celebration?

eel deer lobster fowl duck

Why do you celebrate Thanksgiving even though were not pilgrims?

because we celebrate the fact that its thanksgiving.... and we like food

What food was probably NOT on the Pilgrims' Thanksgiving menu?

It was probably beef.

What food was commonly eaten by the pilgrims on Thanksgiving Day in the past?