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His public debates with his rival Illinois candidate Stephen Douglas, on the issue of whether slavery (i.e. a man's property) was protected by the Constitution.

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Q: What focused national attention on senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln?
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What event resulted in Abraham Lincoln receiving national attention?

Abraham Lincoln received national attention when he was elected President of the United States and began serving in that role in March 1861. He would have been known before then but not by everyone.

Why did Abraham Lincoln receive national attention?

He received attention because he was a very smart intellegent man who helped fight slavery and won freedom for the slaves

What two senatorial candidates held a series of debates in Illinois in 1858?

Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln

What state did Stephen Douglas debate with Abraham Lincoln in the 1858 sentorial debates?

Illinois, where they were competing for a senatorial seat.

Lincoln gained national fame debating?

Abraham Lincoln, who was relatively new to the national political scene, gained widespread national fame from his series of debates with Stephen Douglas, his opponent in the Illinois Senatorial race. Douglas, a proponent of States Rights, and pro-slavery Democrat, battled Lincoln, an anti-slavery Whig.

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Abraham Lincoln was the winning Republican candidate for president in 1860.

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Abraham Lincoln.

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President Abraham Lincoln was the first successful candidate of the Republican Party

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