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Q: What fighting tactic did the British use when they where on offensive?
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What fighting method did the Americans use on British?

The American forces used what we call today, Guerrilla warfare; which is the Native American way of fighting.

Battle of Antietam What strategies did they use in the war?

At the US Civil War Battle of Antietam, is was the tactics not the strategies that were employed. Confederate General Robert E. Lee chose his best tactic based on the fact his army was vastly outnumbered. His tactic was to maintain a defensive posture causing Union General McClellan no choice but to use offensive if he wanted to send Lee and his army back to Virginia. So, classical defensive and offensive battle tactics were used.

What tactics did colonists use against the British troops on their march back from Concord to Boston?

The colonists used tactic we would now call guerrilla warfare tactics. They thought of their tactics as doing what worked when fighting the Native Americans, who also fought that way. The colonists hid behind trees and stones and waited for the British troops. Then the colonists would fire and retreat a small bit, then fire again and repeating this many times. Around 1500 out of 5000 British troops were killed and only around 100 of the colonies were shot.

What tactic did Germany use to counteract the british blockade?

They didn't, they were literally starved into submission and had to sign the armistice soon after.

What military tactic did Germany use to overrun Poland?

Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg

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What was George Washington's strategy in fighting the british?

The strategy of George Washington was to use a Fabian tactic to attack quickly and then hide yourself in the bushes or disguise yourself as someone else. The other one was to go head on in a major battle which was preferred by Washington.

How do use tactic in a sentence?

His tactic was transparent.

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What war tactic did World War 2 use?

Total Warfare. Essentially, not only was it soldiers fighting, but civilians were targeted too, such as bombing raids on cities.

What tactic was used in a attempt to cut off supply lines to Japanese forces?

A tactic used in an attempt to cut off supply lines to Japanese forces was the use of submarines. By sinking their ships before they could reach troops, it severely limited their fighting abilities.

How can you use a sentence using tactic?

My tactic to do better in school, is to study more.

What fighting method did the Americans use on British?

The American forces used what we call today, Guerrilla warfare; which is the Native American way of fighting.

What fighting method the Americans use to keep the british from taking the southern colonies?

they used bombs

Why do people think british people are ugly?

We think of them as ugly because us as Americans tend to hate how British people talk and how they think that the way they talk is better, therefor we use any tactic we can to try and get a shot at them.

What tactic did the British use to stop supplies from reaching Germany during World War 1?

well the Germans used subs to sink boats supplying England