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Q: What fighting methods did the colonists use against the British troops mar hinges back to Boston from concord?
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What fighting methods did the colonists use against the british troops marching back to Boston from concord?

Revere and Dawes alerted the colonists of the British troops, thus allowing them to be ready with troops of their own when the British came.

Where did fighting first occur between British and American colonists?

Lexington and Concord

Why did British troops march to Concord?

to battle against the colonists, because the British troops tried to revolt against them

Who were the British fighting at the battle of Lexington and concord?

The colonists were trying to stop the British at Lexington from going on to Concord when the 77 men waited on the towns green for the soldiers.

What fighting methods did the colonist use against the British troops marching back to Boston concord?

Revere and Dawes alerted the colonists of the British troops, thus allowing them to be ready with troops of their own when the British came.

What was the colonists advantage in fighting in the lexington and concord?

Thanks their knowledge of terrain, they adopted a bush-fighting tactic, firing behind the cover of stone walls, trees etc. against the British deployed in columns, causing them many casualties.

Who were the British fighting at the battles of Lexington and concord?

the colonists the colonists were inexperienced and didnt have the best weapons or training The brits had the complete opposite, good training and great weapons. After a long time of fighting the colonists still won

How did the colonists feel about the fighting at lexington and concord in 1775?

The Loyalists felt that the British troops should continue to use violence against the rebellious colonists, as they did at Lexington and Concord. They wanted Britain to regain control over the colonies.

Did the string of british losses or fighting in lexington and concord come first?

the fighting in lexington an concord

Who was responsible for starting the Concord and Lexington?

the British and the colonists!

What did the British learn about the colonists at Lexington and Concord?


Where did British troops fired on colonists?

Lexington and Concord