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Q: What federalist paper dealt with expanding the sphere of government?
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Which Federalist Paper dealt with separation of powers and checks and balances?

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How did James Madison suggest factions be dealt with?

James Madison suggested that factions could be dealt with through a system of checks and balances. In his Federalist No. 10, he argued that by expanding the number of representatives and creating a large, diverse republic, the influence of factions would be limited. He believed that a system of competing interests and the separation of powers would prevent any single faction from dominating and protect the rights of minority groups.

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The newly founded nation dealt with Native Americans very harshly. Their land was taken, they were killed and forced to move.

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The newly founded nation dealt with Native Americans very harshly. Their land was taken, they were killed and forced to move.

How did expanding nation deal with native Americans?

The newly founded nation dealt with Native Americans very harshly. Their land was taken, they were killed and forced to move.

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The newly founded nation dealt with Native Americans very harshly. Their land was taken, they were killed and forced to move.

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