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Continental congress

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Q: What federal government was established during the Civil War to aid the poor in the south?
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Related questions

Why is federalism used in America?

Federalism is established in the constitution, but the federal government's power and responsibilities increased greatly after the Civil War, and during the Great Depression.

Which best describes how government changed due to the Civil War?

States became less powerful compared to the federal government. The federal government established more power over the states.

What was the location of military district one after the US Civil War?

The Federal government established Military District 1 in northern Virginia after the Civil War.

What was the 1st civil rights agency established by the federal government since the Reconstruction Era?

The Fair Employment Practices Commission.

During the Civil War which side wanted to limit the power of the federal government?

The South.

What is the definition of greenback?

paper currency issued by the federal government during the civil war

What did the civil war do in relation to the power of the federal government?

The Civil War increased the power of the Federal government.

States began to strip black Americans of their newly established civil rights in the 1880s In which year did the federal government begin to reestablish civil rights for black Americans?


How much money did the Federal government collect for its income tax during the US Civil War?

During the US Civil War, the Federal government made many efforts to raise funds to pay for the war. For the first time in US history the government passed a progressive income tax. During the war years they collected $55 million.

When did the pendleton act create a federal civil service commission?

The federal civil service in the United States was established in 1871. It is defined as "all appointive positions in the executive, judical and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, except positions in the uniformed services".

What wasn't a measure taken by the federal government during the war?

(Civil War) Suppression of the Democratic Party ~APEX~

What were the 2 main issues during the civil war?

The Secession of the Confederacy, the abolition of slavery, and the power the Federal Government had.