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proportion and natural body features.

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Q: What features did the Romans adopt from the Greeks of the human art form?
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Did the Romans prize individual human beings more highly than Greeks?

No; both Greeks and Romans had slaves. Thus can not be said to prize the individual human for his or her own self.

Did artists in ancient Egypt Greece and Rome rarely depicted in human figures in sculptures?

The Egyptians rarely depicted nudity. The Greeks and the Romans depicted everything, especially nudity.

What did the Greeks consider to be uncharted territory?

the human mind

Were most dissections in the roman era done on humans?

No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.No. The Romans, and most of the ancient people for that matter, had a respect for the human body. Dissection of a human was strictly forbidden and even executed criminals were given a burial of some type.

Why were the epics of importance to Greeks of the Dorian period?

Epics of importance to the Greeks of the Dorian periodare a source of much of Greek mythology. Through the myths, the Greeks sought to understand the mysteries of nature and power of human passions

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How did the Romans differ from the Greeks in their art that show the human body?

The Greeks created it. The Romans copied them.

Did the Romans prize individual human beings more highly than Greeks?

No; both Greeks and Romans had slaves. Thus can not be said to prize the individual human for his or her own self.

What did Greeks and roman use the stars for?

Most Greeks and Romans saw pictures in the sky. At the time of Homer, the stars were not thought to represent any hero or god, but that quickly changed. Before that, the Romans and Greeks thought the stars represented animals.

Is it true that the one of the main differences between sculpture of the Greek Classical period and Roman sculpture is that the Greeks idealized the human form?

The Greeks did, but so too did the Romans who copied them.

Did artists in ancient Egypt Greece and Rome rarely depicted in human figures in sculptures?

The Egyptians rarely depicted nudity. The Greeks and the Romans depicted everything, especially nudity.

Who were the people from whom the Romans borrowed the idea of gods appearing in human form?

The Romans had their own religion all along, from their earliest days. Therefore, they got it form themselves. In the early days, Roman religion was influenced by the religions of the Sabines and the Etruscans. They were then influenced by Greek religion.

What are human features from the Andes Mountains?

What are human features from the Andes Mountains?

What is known as all the human and physical features that make a place unique?

In geography, there are two types of features, natural features and human features. Human features are anything that is built by humans (not something formed naturally). Housing areas and parks are examples of human features.

What are two human' features of Kentucky?

the two human features are food and clothing and language

How was Renaissance art affected by humanism?

Humanism affected Renaissance art by the way humanism was. Humanists believed in individuality and human societies therefore using ancient Romans and Greeks models but expressed them with humanist ideas.

What is the difference between human and physical features?

The difference between physical and human features is that physical features are features created by nature, e.g. mountains, and the human features are the features that are man-made, such as architecture. In geographical features, I am not sure about child health, physical features describes the land. Human features describes the culture, homes, jobs, etc. of that area.

Why do you think Greeks were concerned with accuracy in depicting the human body?

Greeks were not concerned with accuracy; they were concerned with the depiction of the perfect human body, not the real one.