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Q: What famous people are from Scotland?
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Are there any famous people in Scotland?

J K Rowling, the Harry Potter author, lives in Scotland.

Are there any famous sport people in Scotland?

Sir Alex Ferguson

Are there any famous people livilg in Scotland?

There were a family named the "Johnstons" and they were just like celebrities living in scotland. XD

All of the famous people in Scotland?

The link listed below has quite a few:

Who was Scotland's most famous poet?

Robert Burns is considered to be Scotland most famous poet.

What famous people come from Paisley Scotland?

Paolo Nutini, Kenneth McKellar, Andrew Neil

Which village in Scotland is famous because it is very close to the border with England and people get married?

Gretna Green

Would you find tombs of famous people in Scotland Yard?

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of London's Metropolitan Police and nobody is buried there. You must be thinking about somewhere else.

Famous people of Scotland?

Some famous people from Scotland include Sir Sean Connery (actor), Sir William Wallace (warrior and leader during the First War of Scottish Independence), and Sir Alex Ferguson (former manager of Manchester United Football Club).

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What famous people lived in Scotland?

Sir Sean Connery, William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, Ewan MacGregor, James MacAvoy, JK Rowling, Robert Louis Stevenson, Billy Connelly, Sir Alex Ferguson and Sir Walter Scott are some of many famous people who have lived in Scotland or were born Scots.

What sea food is Scotland famous for?
