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Q: What factors allowed large costal cities to develop in the middle colonies?
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How did the growth of cities and towns in the colonies lead to the development of an free-market econonmy?

Meeting needs through trade allowed free-market economies to develop in these towns.

What helped villages grow into cities?

Villages grew into cities due to factors such as agricultural advancements, trade routes, technological innovations, and population growth. These factors allowed for the concentration of people and resources in urban centers, leading to the development of cities.

What did farming settlements need in order to develop into the cities during the New Stone Age?

Farming settlements needed surplus food production, specialization of labor, and centralized leadership in order to develop into cities during the New Stone Age. These factors allowed for population growth, cultural development, and the emergence of social hierarchies.

How did the neolithic revolution make it possible for early civiliizations to develop?

Agriculture. More food allowed specialisation, cities and settled government.

Why did the northern colonies develop a lot of cities?

Because United states back then was divided into north and south during the age of the industrialization. The northern believed in machines and technology while the southern believe in the agriculture and the land. That is why northern colonies more urban than southern colonies.

What were The important cities or colonies from 1607-1760?

The important cities/colonies during that time were Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown.

What important cities are located in your group of colonies in the southern colonies?


What is the mass movement of people to the cities?

it is urbanization mass movement of people from rural area to develop area is one of the contribution factors of disaster. discuss this statement

Which greek cities involved in setting up colonies?

Build cities

What was the heart of colonies cities?

the church

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what factors led to the development of western cities

What was needed before cities and complex civilizations could develop in Americas?

They needed plenty of land to develop cities and complex civilizations in the Americas.