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Q: What factor motivated the colonists treatment of he natives?
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What single factor made construction of the pyramids possible?

Unfortunately slave labour. Before, the Egyptians were self-motivated and happy to do the work, but as time went on they were forced to continue working.

How did food sources for native Americans of the north and the northwest differ from those of native Americans living in the west and southwest?

The environment and what could grow our survive their would have been a factor. Some natives lived in settlements and others were more migratory in respect to game animals.

How did the colonies respond to new taxes?

Many of the British taxes mad the colonists angry. One tax that really made the colonist angry was the stamp act which put a tax on all paper goods such as newspapers. The taxes were a causing factor of the American Revolution.

What factor contributed to warfare between the colonists and the Native Americans?

The Pequot War (1636-1637) was in large part caused by competition and rivalry between the Pequot and Mohegan tribes and their various allies. In some cases, the Narragansetts killed English traders simply to prevent them from trading with their rivals. The English colonists became involved when a series of retaliatory killings of English traders (sometimes for their own misdeeds, and sometimes for the misdeeds of the Dutch) caused them to protest to the Indians, and the Narragansett ignored the Colonists's complaints. In short, the fractured and competetive political situation among the local tribes (which had been made much worse by the smallpox plagues that had swept the area in the preceeding decades) and the need to manipulate or control the very lucrative fur trade with the English Colonists led to the war. King Philp's War was more pointedly directed at the English colonists themselves. It had much more to do with the English practice of buying Indian lands, and the pressure by the Puritans to convert the local natives to Christianity. Philip put together an alliance of other tribes who also wished to force the English back. The war killed between 40 and 60 percent of the native population, and perhaps 20 or 25 percent of the English population. Purportionately, it was one of the bloodiest wars in our entire history. The massive losses suffered by the tribes put an end to them as a political presence in the New England colonies forever, and it was not until the French and Indian war, nearly a century later that the fear of Natives burning entire towns to the grouns was realized.

Who was the winner of the battle of Saratoga?

There were two battles involved, one on September 17th the other on October 9th. The Colonists won both of the Battles and had surrounded General Burgoyne with a superior force. This factor had a lot to do with bringing France into the conflict.

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