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Q: What factor helped ensure that Britain would benefit the most from trade with the US?
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It helped people get their dildos on time.

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How did Jefferson benefit the US?

Thomas Jefferson positivley affected us by writing the Declaration of Independence which helped us get free from Britain instead of them in control.

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Did Texas gain its independence with help from Britain?

Britain helped Texas because Britain supported it. Britain saw it as an economic opportunity that would provide more land for growing cotton. This would be beneficial to Britain, as it would take away some of the Independence from America's cotton. At the time, a large percentage of Britain's economy was based on cotton. Another benefit for Britain is that it stopped the southward expansion of the United States.

What were centers of industrialization in Europe?

mainly Great Britain; with its benefit of its long coastline that let it trade easily with many other countries. Also Great Britain had a massive supply of iron and coal which helped it industrialize quicker than many other countries.

What did the first mass immigration into the UK happen?

it has helped make Britain a multicultural society and has helped throughout the years Britain has ruled

What factor according to you helped in achieving your target?

When asked what factor helped in achieving your target goal, state an area of strength. Determination is a good factor to indicate.

What was a benefit of the railroad in Britain?

One benefit of the railroad in Britain was that it facilitated faster and more efficient transportation of goods and people across the country, which helped boost economic development and trade. Additionally, the railroad played a key role in the Industrial Revolution by enabling the movement of raw materials and finished products to and from factories.

How did britain benefit from slavery?

Britain benefited from slavery economically by exploiting enslaved individuals to work on plantations in their colonies, leading to significant profits from the trade of goods like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. Additionally, the wealth generated from slave labor helped to fuel the industrial revolution in Britain, boosting the country's economic growth and global power.

Who helped Britain get involved with the war?


Do you think Britain's location helped it in the war with Germany?

Yes, because Britain is an island.