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Q: What explanations have scholars given for the disappearance of the Minoans?
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How did jews become slaves to Egypt for 400 years?

there are many reasons given. just a couple of them 1. abraham asked for a sign that his descendants would be given the land of canaan as a homeland, where he should have simply trusted God. 2. when waging war with the 4 kings he used scholars to fight and thus taking away from their study time. 3. to purify the israelites and make them ready to accept the torah all these explanations have dozens of pages explaining the real underlying meaning and significance, as with everything in torah.

What caused the decline of the Mycenaean?

The Minoans (considered the earliest "Greeks" and the fathers of modern western civilization) were traders on the island of Crete. Academics are unsure of what caused the downfall of the Minoans, but we have some clues. The most popular theory suggests that in 1500BC a massive volcanic eruption 80km east of Crete caused a Tsunami that destroyed the Minoan naval fleet, and some of its city structures. This in turn led to a weakening of the city, given the Mycenean tribe ample oppurtunity to attack on defeat the Minoans. The Myceneans were more violent than the Minoans. They had several city states on mainland Greece (in Pylos, Mycenea, Athens). The Myceneans were the people that took a leading role in the war against Troy (Troy is in what we now call Turkey). Somewhere along the way back home or during the war, around 1180BC, the Dorians (another, different, Greek tribe) took over the Myceneans and destroyed virtually everything. Writing, art, culture and knowledge was all but obliterated. The Dorians had to start from scratch, and this period became known as the Dark Ages. However, from the ashes of the Myceneans developed something that would become far more powerful and influential. The Hellenic poeple. Hellenics are what we now call Greeks. The Classic greek period was born.

What is another way of saying manifest destiny?

It was the belief that colonists could, and should, migrate west-- no matter what stood in their way. There is a group of modern scholars who assert that "manifest destiny" could be considered ethnocentric or even racist, since it often involved the belief by white, Christian colonists that their culture and religion were superior, and that they had a divinely given right to take over new lands and make them part of the United States, even if those lands were populated by the darker-skinned people then called "Indians." But other scholars accept "manifest destiny" as a sincere effort to explore new territories in the west and expand the country.

Why where the Jews hated so much during World War 2?

During World War II, the Jewish population was vehemently hated to the point of genocide by many Germans and other Europeans for primarily one reason: deep-seated prejudice. Many explanations were given by the perpetrators for mistreating and then exterminating the Jews, but it seems clear, especially with the aid of historical distance, that prejudice was the root of the hate.

How did life in Europe change when Rome fell?

The observation many historians make is that most people didn't notice any difference. But that assumes we consider the fall of Rome to have happened on a date or in some particular year. The fall of Rome was a long, drawn out process, in which things happened over periods of time, with certain events that gave dates to history. There is a link below to an article describing this, but really, it is a subject on which many books have been written. According to the article, there are hundreds of reasons for the fall of Rome given by scholars, and there are many dates for the fall given by those who choose to give a date.

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