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Q: What evidence supports the modern quantum atomic model?
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Examples of modern physics?

Quantum Physics, Astronomical Physics

What character set supports the alphabet and syntax of virtually any modern language?


Defferentiate clasical physics from modern physics?

Classical Physics is the physics which was taught and used before RELATIVITY and QUANTUM MECHANICS were introduced. In Classical physics, masses remain constant when they accelerate and clocks tick in unison wherever they are and at all velocities. But this is not true, especially at very high speeds. Relativity is more accurate and is necessary for the speeds that satellites travel at. Classical mechanics cannot explain the dynamics of sub-atomic particles or how light and other kinds of radiation interact with matter. It is necessary, in explaining the structure of atoms and the nuclear processes, to use Quantum Mechanics which "quantises" energy. For example, if one particle is to pass energy to another particle, it can only be done if an exact amount of energy is available. This amount is a "quantum" and the size of a quantum depends on the wavelength of the radiated energy. Nobody knows why. We understand the laws of Classical Physics - they seem logical. Nobody understands relativity or quantum mechanics. However, the laws are true and so we use them and get the right answers. Why the laws of Modern Physics are with us is beyond our understanding, simply because we are humble three dimensional beings, limited to passage through time in a direction and rate beyond our control. In Modern physics there can be many more dimensions and time may pass at variable rates in different places. That is why we can't understand Modern Physics.

Why was the nuclear bomb so important?

The atomic bomb ended the war with Japan quickly and changed modern warfare.

How do modern day humans know about the process of mummification?

we know about mummification by the evidence found with mummies

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How does the atomic model you used today differ from Bohr model?

The modern atomic model is based on quantum mechanics.

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It largely supports anatomical evidence and provides more detailed information for specific relationships

What do modern day scientist contribute to the atomic theory?

Modern day scientists contribute to the atomic theory by providing experimental evidence through techniques like electron microscopy and particle accelerators, which allow for direct observation of atoms and their behavior. They also continue to refine the mathematical models that describe the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles, helping to further understand the structure and properties of matter at the atomic level. Additionally, they explore the implications of atomic theory in fields like quantum mechanics and materials science for technological advancements.

Who was the first to state the concept o a atom?

In the modern quantum-based atomic theory, what is the name given to a particular space around the nucleus in which an electron moves?

What is the modern periodic table based on?

The modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of elements, which is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, which helps to group elements with similar properties in columns called groups or families.

What atomic model is used today?

The modern atomic model used today is the quantum mechanical model, which describes atoms as having a central nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in various energy levels or orbitals. This model incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics to explain the behavior and properties of atoms.

What is the modern of atom?

The modern atom is explained by quantum mechanics.

What did Niels Bohr contribute to the atomic theory?

Niels Bohr developed the model of the atom that incorporated quantum theory, known as the Bohr model. This model proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or orbits, explaining the stability of atoms and their emission spectra. His work laid the foundation for modern atomic theory and quantum mechanics.

How is the modern atomic theory different from Daltons atomic theory?

The modern atomic theory includes the concept of isotopes, which Dalton's theory did not address. Furthermore, modern atomic theory describes atomic structure using quantum mechanics, which was not known in Dalton's time. Additionally, modern atomic theory recognizes the existence of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom, while Dalton's theory considered atoms as indivisible.

What evidence supports the hypothesis that the nuclear envelope of eukaryotes arose from infolding of the plasma membrane?

Evidence supporting this hypothesis includes observations that both the nuclear envelope and plasma membrane have a similar lipid composition and protein structure, as well as the presence of nuclear pores that are thought to have evolved from invaginations in the ancestral plasma membrane. Additionally, studies on the dynamics of nuclear envelope formation during cell division provide further support for the idea that the nuclear envelope originated from invaginations of the plasma membrane.

What are the two major divisions of physics?

The two major divisions of physics are classical physics and modern physics. Classical physics deals with the study of macroscopic phenomena using principles such as Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics. Modern physics, on the other hand, explores the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, incorporating theories like quantum mechanics and relativity.

In the modern quantum based atomic theory what is the name given to a particular space around the nucleus in which an electron moves?

In modern quantum-based atomic theory, the space around the nucleus in which an electron moves is known as an electron cloud or orbital. This is a region of space where there is a high probability of finding the electron. The electron cloud is described by the probability density function of the electron's position in the atom.