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13y ago

the event that took place in the Spanish armada are fire ships, lots of fire, shooting, and the English won because the wind blow the Spanish away

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Q: What events took place during the spanish armada?
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What year did the spanish armada take place?


Where did the defeat of the spanish armada take place?


Why did PhilipII get Nadia Sodonia to fight in the Spanish Armada?

The first appointed commander of the Fleet was the Marquis of Santa Cruz, but he died early in 1588. Thus the Duke of Medina Sidonia was appointed in his place

Which event took place during the period know as realism during the time 1929?

There were actually several events to take place during the period known as realism. The Industrial Revolution was the main even to take place.

Where did William McKinley take place in the Spanish American war?

McKinley was US president during the Spanish American War.

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