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Mao Zedong declared the people's republic of china

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Q: What event in June 1950 caused the US to step up aid to the French war in Indochina?
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What were the wars in the 1950's?

Korean War 1950-1953. French Indochina War 1946-1954 (also known as the 1st Indochina War).

What two Asain land wars preceeded the Vietnam War?

1st Indochina War (French Indochina War) 1946-1954. Korean War 1950-1953.

Which policy shows that appeasement does not always prevent war?

British policy toward Germany during the 1930s

How much money did Truman give to France?

Approximately ten million (1950 dollars) in military aid during the French IndoChina War (1946-1954).

What President first involved the US in Vietnam?

Harry S. Truman, who began providing aid and materiel to the French during the First Indochina War in 1950.

Why is the vietnam war called the indochina war?

It was called the "dirty war" (la sale guerre) by the French communists and leftist intellectuals during the Henri Martin affair in 1950 because it aimed to perpetuate French imperialism.

What were the reasons for the US involvement in the first indochina war?

The US gave material aid the French during their First Indochina War 1946-1954. Because the their enemy was COMMUNIST supported. The US was too busy fighting in Korea (1950-1953) to supply further assistance.

What event caused the US to spend more education during the late 1950's?

The launch of Sputnik.

Name of Vietnam in the 19th century?

After France gained power in the 1850s, until 1950, the area now comprised of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam was known in parts of the world as French Indochina.

Explain how the US became involved in the politics of Southeast Asia?

Due to the cold war, the Eisenhower administration became involved during the 1st Indochina War (French Indochina War) 1946-1954; being busy at the time with the Korean War 1950-1953, the US supplied only material aid to the French, with their fight against the communist backed Viet Minh Forces.

The event known as the great migration Occured between 1940 and 1950 it caused racial tensions because?

African Americans were moving to the North to work in factories.

Who was the French football champions 1950?

The French football champions in 1950 was Nice Club.