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Q: What event in 1938 marked a significant escalation in the Nazi policy of persecution against Jews?
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What event in 1938 marked a significant escalation of the Nazi policies of persecution against jaws?

This would be the night of broken glass (Kristallnacht).

What event in 1938 marked a significant escalation in the Nazi policy of persecution against the Jews?

Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass in November 1938 changed the tone of Jewish persecution in Nazi Germany from only a legal segregation between Germans and Jews to actual violent persecution, theft, and murder of Jews.

What significant world events happened in 1938?

1938 marked the first appearance of Superman. In Germany, Hitler was consolidating his power, beginning with the persecution of the Jews and an invasion of Czechoslovakia.

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The abdication of King James II, and his replacement by William and Mary. It marked the end of religious persecution, and asserted the rule of Parliament.

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The battle of midway marked the end ofnwhat?

The Battle of Midway marked the end of significant Japanese offensive operations. The battle lasted from June 4 to June 7, 1942.

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