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Q: What emperor used war to bring parts of Vietnam and Korea under china's control?
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Who is the emperor of Korea?

There's no emperor in Korea but president. The name of the president is Myung-Bak Lee now.

Did the US fight in the Korean war before or after sending troops to Vietnam?

The US fought in Korea to stop the Soviet Union from spreading communism. This was between 1950 and 1953. It was a predecessor to the Vietnam war which occurred between 1955 and 1975. Both times the US intervened in order to stop the commmunist states, North Korea and North Vietnam from taking control of the rest of the capitalist democratic states of South Korea and South Vietnam.

Is South Korea an ally of the Republic of Vietnam?

Yes, South Korea is an ally of the Republic of Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, South Korea helped the United States and the Republic of Vietnam to fight against the communists. The Republic of Vietnam was helped by South Korea, by the United States, by Thailand, by Taiwan, by New Zealand, by Australia, by Singapore and by Malaysia!

What is the neihgbor to the North Korea and Vietnam?

North Korea's neighbours are China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. Vietnam is along way from North Korea but it's neighbours are China Laos Cambodia and Thailand

What Southeast Asian nation are still ruled by a communist regime?

Vietnam and Laos. North Korea and China are also communist but are not in South-East Asia.

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What emperor in Ancient China used war to bring parts of Vietnam and Korea under China's control?

Wudi was the emperor who used war to bring Vietnam and Korea under Chinas control.

What emperor of China brought parts of Vietnam and Korea under Chin'a control?

fun timea

Who was still under communist control in 2008?

China, North Korea, and Vietnam are still under Communist control.

In what way did the tang succeed where the sui failed?

They extended their control into Vietnam, Korea, and Central Asia.

How did Korea and Vietnam achieve their current forms of government?

Which Korea and which Vietnam? Today's Vietnam or the old North and South Vietnam?

Was South Korea in the Vietnam war?

The answer is yes, South Korea was in the Vietnam War!

What is north Korea and Vietnam neighbor?

China is the neighbor of both North Korea and Vietnam.

What was the Vietnam's terrain?

I believe Vietnam was in Korea.

Where was the Korean and Vietnam war?

Korea and Vietnam.

What is Emperor Gwangmu of Korea's birthday?

Emperor Gwangmu of Korea was born on September 8, 1852.

When was Emperor Gwangmu of Korea born?

Emperor Gwangmu of Korea was born on September 8, 1852.

Who is the emperor of Korea?

There's no emperor in Korea but president. The name of the president is Myung-Bak Lee now.