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Every element can kill a person somehow. Pure oxygen is actually poisonous to the human body; most other elements either prevent the access to oxygen or damage the organs so that they cease functioning as they should.

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Q: What element is the most deadly poison?
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What is the second most deadly poison ever?

i think the 2nd most deadly poison is V8 or VX.

Is the poison from the poison dart frog deadly?

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Which element is the mostly deadly poison?

Polonium-210 is considered one of the most deadly poisons to humans. It is a rare and highly radioactive element that can be lethal even in very small amounts due to its intense radioactivity.istrofa.WebServlet@author

This most deadly poison was used in the Apollo program to power?

Polonium-210 was used in the Apollo program to power the lunar module's fuel cells. It is a highly radioactive and toxic element that releases alpha particles, which can be dangerous if ingested or inhaled.

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Polonium is one of the most deadly elements. It is a highly radioactive and toxic element that can be lethal in very small amounts.

Most deadly poison used in Apollo program?

The deadliest poison used in the Apollo program was potassium cyanide. This poison was part of the astronauts' emergency escape kits in case they landed in a remote area and needed to commit suicide to avoid a prolonged and painful death.

What is the definition of the word deadly?

Deadly refers to substance or action that has fatal effect. For example syanide is a deadly poison, and hitting someone in the head with an axe would most often be considered to be a deadly action.

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Where can I buy deadly nightshade poison

What is the most deadly poison on Earth?

Botulinum toxin which is the most deadliest protein known to man about one teaspoon can kill 1.5 billion people .

If man eat rat poison he will die?

The most common rat poison is warfarin. It can kill a man if enough of it was eaten. Warfarin is strychnine, and as such, deadly.

How does antifreeze affect a dog?

Antifreeze is toxic to dogs because it contains ethylene glycol, which can cause kidney failure and death when ingested. Even a small amount can be harmful, so it's important to keep antifreeze out of reach of pets and clean up any spills immediately. Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning in dogs include vomiting, increased thirst, and lethargy.

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Deadly poison