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The Egyptians embalmed the dead body so that they could prevent it from decay. The brain and the organs were removed (through the nostrils) and put in 4 canopic jars.Interestingly, the brain was not stored because they considered it as useless, and the heart was not removed that was the only one which remained in the body. The body was then dried using a kind aof salt called Natron. Then they wrapped the body in layers of linen and put amulets between the layers. Then put a funeral mask over the face and put hte body in wooden coffins (sometimes several ones), and all this into a sarcophagus (a stone - ofen marble - coffin). Embalming tok about 70 days, and there were a lot of different rituals performed by the priests in this process.

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By a kind of perfume and linnen...

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= Why did the ancient Egyptians want to preserve the body of a dead person? =

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they used a special type of bandage

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How did the ancient Egyptians preserve the body?

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Why did the egyptians mummify their bodies?

They mummified there body to preserve them.

What do you mean by preserve a body?

To preserve a body means to not make it rot or dry out. The ancient Egyptians were experts at this as they developed mummification; an act of preserving.

Why did the Egyptians think that mummification was neccacary?

To preserve, and prepare the body for what they believed as the afterlife.

What people embalmed their dead to preserve the body for the next life?

The Ancient Egyptians.

Why did there Egyptians mummify their dead?

to preserve the body because they wanted it to be perfect for the afterlife.

What did the ancient Egyptians use to preserve bodies for the afterlife?

They removed the organs and mummified the body.

Why did egyptians preserve bodies though embalming?

the ancient Egyptians thought that if you preserved the body that it would be like brand new in the after-life.

How did the egyptians preserve the brain?

The brain was disposed of. They did not preserve it.

What religion was practiced by the Egyptians to preserve the body in the pyramids?

It's polytheism so it's not exactly a religion