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Q: What effect did their journey have on the people of the Americas and the Europeans?
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Why did Europeans bring people from Africa to the Americas?

to be their slaves

What do you call the time before europeans arrived in the Americas?

Some people refer to the time before Europeans arrived in the Americas as Pre-Colonial days. The Europeans went through a period of Renaissance before the Colonists first came to the Americas.

How are Native Americans and the the spanish europeans different from each other?

The native Americas are the native people from the Americas when the Spaniards, the Spanish people from Europe conquer America.

What was the effect of the Columbian Exchange on the people of the Americas?

the introduction of smallpox

What were the reasons for slavery in America?

slavery in the Americas started when the Europeans came over and they started to enslave the native people

Did Aboriginal people eat cow?

There were no cattle in the Americas prior to the coming of the Europeans. In North America, however, there were plenty of buffalo.

What do you think was the most profound long-term effect of the Spanish conquests on the people of the Americas?

the long term efects were that the americas had a lot of constapation

Which of these was a Columbian exchange?

The Columbian Exchange was the widespread trading of materials between the Americas and Afro-European hemispheres following the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. One of the main results of this exchange was the migration of people to the Americas from Europe and Africa.

What groups of people show that expansion was one of the reasons Europeans explored the Americas?

Governors and soldiers were sent to take control of colonized areas.

What best describes the effect of Europe on aboriginal people's?

Europeans attempted to westernize many of their children (Apex)

What was the route of african slaves?

From Europe, they brought textiles, run and manufactured good to Africa. From Africa, they bought slaves or simply took people and made them slaves, and brought them to the Americas. From the Americas, the Europeans brought back the sugar, tobacco and cotton.