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Napoleon eventually benefits greatly from the Revolution. France was chaotic & there was much discord & confusion. France needed strong leadership. Napoleon epitomises this. He achieves great success in Italy in 1796 and leads the army to Egypt, where despite its successes, he returns to France. Subsequent events & political machinations lead Napoleon to the position of Emperor of the French. There then follow the great , meteoric successes of a Great General: Ulm, Austerlitz Jena/Auerstadt, Friedland,Wagram :of which Austerlitz is the highlight, December 1805. After the Treaty of Tilsit with the Tsar of Russia the greatest days of Napoleons military successes are over, and the Allies become wiser & more effective in resisting his aggression, notably at Leipzig (The Battle of the Nations) in 1813. At Borodino, for example, (1812 in Russia) the casualties in a one day battle are quite horrendous. It is noticeable that Napoleon cares little for the lives even of his own forces, which in later years were made up from German Allies conscripted to him as much as they were French. There is great devastation in Europe where the Emperor displaces his forces, notably in Spain, where the 'Spanish Ulcer' is sowing the seeds of Wellingtons' success in the Peninsular War. Napoleon is once again resurgent in the defence of France in 1814, but the determination of Blucher as well as the fact that his Marshals have lost confidence in his leadership culminates in Marmont betraying him. Napoleon is forced to abdicate and attempts suicide. He is exiled to Elba. The ending of Waterloo in June 1815 is a classic example of an entire campaign in miniature. A supreme example of a battle lost that should have been a French victory: & NO, it is not good enough to blame Ney, Soult or Grouchy, Napoleon was the top man, he gets the rewards he must accept the defeat.

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16y ago
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7y ago

They made the European community unite against Napoleon.

Established Britain's Wellington (army) and Nelson (navy) as national heros; and established Britain as a major power in they were the primary combatant against France. Russia is a close second, however without a (strong) navy they have to be second to England.

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9y ago

The war greatly destabilized the European region. It also destroyed the French Empire, which had dominated the region prior to the war.

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12y ago

Napoleon controlled almost all of continental Europe except Russia and the south of Italy. His power threatened Russia's independence as well as Britain's.

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6y ago

European powers met to create a balance of power between European countries.

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14y ago

Well he took the place over first of all.

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Q: What effect did the napoleonic wars have on the European country?
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The United Kingdom inherited the role of being the dominant world power as a result of the Napoleonic Wars.

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The time period of the Napoleonic Wars was 1803 to 1815.

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