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They made American goods cheaper than imported goods

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Q: What effect did protective tariffs have on the American economy?
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What affect did the protective tariffs have on the American economy?

Protective tariffs had a few effects in the American economy. The main effect that it had was pricing.

What effect did protective tariffs have on American economy?

They made American goods cheaper than imported goods

What effect did protective tariffs on the American economy?

They made American goods cheaper than imported goods

What effect did protective have on American economy?

They made American goods cheaper than imported goods

How do protective tariffs effect price and quantity?


What effect did the protective tariffs have on goods exported by the south?

it depends what tariffs and when but, i if you are referring to after the revolutionary war, then the effect was the whiskey rebellion.

What effect did protecrice tariffs have on the american economy?

They made American goods cheaper than imported goods A protective tariff is a duty imposed on imports to raise their price, making them less attractive to consumers and thus protecting domestic industries from foreign competition.

What was one result of high US tariffs on imported goods?

One effect of high American tariffs caused foreign trade to almost stop. This had other countries angry with the US, which caused them to stop buying US goods and they raised their tariffs, which had a effect on the American economy.

What are the market........?

Supply, demand, capital, labor--laws. Tariffs and taxes have an effect on the economy, too.

What effect did protective tariffs have on the great depression?

They damaged domestic economies - apex They prevented international recovery. Palestine (apex)

What are the market forces?

Supply, demand, capital, labor--laws. Tariffs and taxes have an effect on the economy, too.

What effect did the Embargo Act have on American economy?

amost destroyed american economy